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Moving Jay : Day 122 : Bit Longer Blog
20th October 2023
Our solicitor is struggling to get hold of the buyer's solicitor, to finalise the deal.
But it's Friday, and on previous Fridays, the two have also struggled to communicate.
I firmly believe their solicitor takes Fridays off, and given ours takes Mondays off, there's only really 3 days they can contact each other.

.. And that's just not enough!!! *grumble*


Looks like we're waiting until Tuesday again, at this rate. And by Tuesday, the buyers will be 4 days ahead of where they are now, so that "5 days waiting for the Mortgage" might only be a couple of days by then.
And then we'll have to sort all of our date stuff out, sorting the bills to move, the removal men, etc, so then it'll be US making things go slow.

It's really frustrating having everything bounce back and forth like this.
Solicitors should all pick one specific day of the week to have a day off, so we're not all having endlessly wait for every single step to inch its way forward.

Right, no worrying about it.
Chill out.
It's the weekend.

Nothing will be happening over the next FOUR DAYS... Nnnngh..


Can't focus enough on the Asset Manager. That's been stuck in limbo for about 3 days, now.
Haven't finished the video for the ALChoon yet. That feels like it needs to be better than it currently is, but my mind isn't in the right place to bother to do that.
Today I REALLY need to focus, and get either one of those to a decent point.

.. And then immediately make a start on next week's ALChoon, because it's already Friday.

"Cartoon Derek dressed in a Crash Bandicoot costume, running through a jungle level, spikes, crates," by #DiffusionBee
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Blog - Moving Jay : Day 122 : Bit Longer - AGameAWeek