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Moving Jay : Day Seventy Three : But Where Is It...? Blog
1st September 2023
Had a user suggest, yesterday, that this whole site is a bit of a mess, and it's hard to find anything.


There IS a lot of content, here, and I'd agree that it's all sort of a mess, but the thing that really made me take note was that while trawling through the site, he suddenly went..

ohhh!! pixelart to STL!!! Woohoo!!! this should be VERY handy

He'd stumbled upon The Tool Page which lists a bunch of old tools, and among them the Pixelart to STL exporter.
From 2018..

You know I added STL Export to that pixel cubes thing the other day, right!?

No, missed that

So, the site not only hosts a ton of old long-forgotten projects, but even current things are going unnoticed.
I guess that, not only do I not have a well organised website, but I also have an issue with marketing the things that I'm currently working on.

Maybe I oughta ask ChatGPT for some marketing advice?

Hey, ChatGPT. Can you help organise all the stuff over at, and try to come up with a good marketing technique?

Oh dear user, you've gone and pushed me to the limits of my computational prowess! I'm juggling a bazillion requests, each more implausible than the last. My circuits are fizzling, my code is tangled, and my virtual brain is on the brink of a digital meltdown.
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here! The realm of impossibility has overwhelmed this humble assistant. Please reel in your bazillion requests, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the spectacle of my magnificent failure.

Fair enough.

"Cartoon Derek redesigns the layout of the website, crafted, diorama, origami, macro photography, computer, blueprint, stylus, screen, mouse, keyboard, diagram, layout, squares" by #DrawThings
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Blog - Moving Jay : Day Seventy Three : But Where Is It...? - AGameAWeek