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Moving Jay : Day Forty Five : OK, Now What? Blog
3rd August 2023
A contract was signed yesterday.
The envelope waits, on the coffee table, ready to be posted in about an hour or so.
This likely isn't the end, but it's certainly a big step forward.


The conservatory stuff still needs sorting, and Bolton Council are getting back to us on the 10th or so, about the freehold situation, so everyone's kinda hanging around waiting for that, I think.
Otherwise, the possibility of a simple insurance solution is hopefully solving everything in that entire department anyway, so it's not too big of an issue.

We're still unsure how much that insurance policy might cost, though. That's kind of a worry, in the background, and could cause quite an issue.

We know our absolute minimum budget, though, since I made a super-awesome spreadsheet before we even put the house on the market, so we could judge roughly how much the house HAD to get us, in order for us to be able to find a nice Bungalow.

With the windows and doors and roofing needing doing on the new bungalow that we chose, and all the expenses that that takes, I'm not sure we can let them drop the price too much. There's a teensy amount of leeway, but I think anything more than that will be draining my personal bank account a little further towards the point where things get alarmingly worrying!!

But we should be ok. A massive insurance policy that protects people against things that were built without planning permission can't be THAT much, right!?!

But that's done. Any flaws in our filling out of the forms will no doubt be picked over, for the next few weeks/months, but I don't think there's anything too bad. After all, I studied the heck out of that form, and made sure I managed to get everything just right.

We now need the buyers to sign the contact, and then get the contract for the bungalow and sign that, too. Then everything *should* be good to go, I think...

There's then an absolute TON of things to figure out. Gas & Electric, Water, Broadband, Council, Voting registration, NHS, Amazon, even all my Domains need their registrar information updated.
We also haven't yet figured out how on earth I'm going to be getting all the way to Salford for Neuro-based appointments, or even who our new GP's going to be... Though we did at least figure out where the local pharmacy is, so that's ok!

Oh dear, it's all going on, now.

Let the Chaos begin!!
... slowly..
.. because my head can't take any more chaos, right now. This week has been .. Grrrr!!

"Cartoon Derek and a giant pen, paper, contract, signature, desk, chair, study, window, beautiful watercolour painting" by #DrawThings
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Blog - Moving Jay : Day Forty Five : OK, Now What? - AGameAWeek