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OK, Now What? Blog
4th June 2023
Concentrate on the task in hand, Jay...
You might've finished this week's game, late last night, but you can't start thinking about the next one until you've actually posted it!!


W.W. is next week's game, and the word Week springs to mind.
Wander, Windy, World, Wonderful.
There's a lot of fun, bright, and cheery words that start with W, so hopefully next week's game can be a little less intense than running around dodging endless fireballs from a volcano!


Speaking of Wandering, I spent a good 3 or 4 hours playing with No Man's Sky, last night, fiddling with the graphic options, trying to find "just" the right set of settings to make it look as good as I could.
Though I've been back and forth quite a bit on choosing which is my favourite, I'm currently set to "Metal - Temporal - Quality", which seems both fast, smooth, and clean in terms of how it looks and feels when playing.

I've discovered that, whilst in the Metal scaling, if you switch to Photo mode, take a photo, then swiftly follow it up with a MacOS Screenshot, you can get a copy of the image before and after scaling.
.. or at least, I think that's what the difference is. Feel free to shout at me if I'm wrong.

This image is from the game's photo gallery, and is at 1472x956, the resolution as requested in the game's options.

(click for big)

This image, however, is from a screenshot, and is at the much larger resolution of 2940x1912 pixels.

(click for bigger)

Does it look "Better" when scaled up like that?
I'm not 100% sure.
But it's certainly a lot less aliased, especially when the crisp thin lines of the space station are there.
One thing to note, and I'm going to be emailing/tweeting at No Man's Sky in a bit to let them know, is that the Mac has scaled the image down a little bit to account for the notch at the top of the screen.
Everything's a little teensy bit squished in the second image. The circular station orb-eye-thing is definitely no longer a nice clean circle, for example.

.. and now that I've noticed that, I'm seeing it more and more when playing, which is slightly frustrating.

Right, enough about that.
Time to get the Volcano game uploaded.

To the YouTube!!

"cartoon derek and the enchanted dragon, a small miniature diorama, clay, castle" by #DrawThings
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