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JSE - Unhindered Umbrella
28th May 2023
Join Platdude as he goes all British Nanny, and floats his way down to the ground with an umbrella in hand. You can Play this game at GotoJSE! -=-=- View on YouTube Controls- Float Left or Right .. That's all! What I Didn't DoJust a quickly cobbled together game, this week, as I've once again been playing Zelda Tears of the Kingdom WAY too much. Any resemblance to Link floating down tunnels using his paraglider, are entirely co-incidental. I dunno, seems like a fun game, if I'm honest. It even has an incredibly small amount of progression in it, as extra elements get added over the first couple of levels. .. Not much, though. Don't go expecting an amazing mega-game, here! Views 168, Upvotes 12
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