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Progress...? Blog
24th April 2023
So, out of the todo list I laid out, yesterday, which of the many things did I choose to work on?
Click on to find out!


None of the above.
Instead, I was thinking about how the last few JSE games have had that little swirling "Loading" thing, and how I should probably implement that into the engine proper.
I took the time, then, to create a new LoadingBar Percentage,Title,Style command for the engine.

Percentage goes from 0 to 100, and everything else swirls around it.
If you want to just have a swirling load screen, you can keep the percentage at 0, and it'll animate away.. All except for the plain "Bar" style bar, obviously.. that's a bit bland without any progress

You can see the available options in this little example.

// LoadingBar Test // by Jayenkai // Created 2023/4/24 Graphics 1024,768,1 loaded=0 Repeat CLS Show=loaded mod 100 if loaded<100 then LoadingBar Show if loaded>=100 and loaded<200 then LoadingBar Show,"Loading...","Twirl" if loaded>=200 and loaded<300 then LoadingBar Show,"Loading (still)","Arc" if loaded>=300 and loaded<400 then LoadingBar Show,"Loading (Weeee!)","Triangular" if loaded>=400 and loaded<500 then LoadingBar Show,"Loading Forever","Slinky" if loaded>=500 and loaded<600 then LoadingBar Show,"Endless Loading","Ribbon" if loaded>=600 then loaded=0 loaded=loaded+0.4 Flip Forever

And with that out of the way, it's probably time to get back to that list I made yesterday, follow the path intended, and not get sidetracked.

"A photograph of a beautiful summer forest, Cartoon Derek Man follows the path through the trees, Flowers blooming, Green grass, Blue skies, Summer, Sun," by #DrawThings
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Blog - Progress...? - AGameAWeek