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Thursday.. Go! Blog
2nd March 2023
The word game I started the other day doesn't appear to be going anywhere, so today's a day for coming up with a new and original idea.


Will it be GotoJSE, or will it be Browsercade?
It should probably be Shoebox, but no matter what game I try to code for that, lately, it all seems to fall flat.
So, J..

Oh, speaking of Juggling, though, here's a version of the bog-standard "Keep the ball up" game that's crammed into 10 lines.
// 10 Liner Juggler // by Jayenkai // Created 2023/2/28 // // 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 10 #CONST $Bip=Rnd(4.5,6.5):Score=Score+1:PlaySFX("GUI_1",Spd) 20 Border 30,30,80:Ink 22:Best=0:SW=ScreenWidth():SH=ScreenHeight():PX=SW/2:MM=0 30 BX=ScreenWidth()/2:BY=32:BXS=Rnd(4.5,6.5):BYS=Rnd(4.5,6.5):Score=0:Spd=1 40 PX=Limit( PX+(MM+GamePad(ButtonRight)-GamePad(ButtonLeft))*6*Spd ,32,SW-32) 50 CLS:v=MouseX()-PX:MM=Sgn(v)*MDown()*(Abs(v)>16):P_COL=Rect(PX,SH-32,96,16,1) 60 For m=0 to 9:BX=BX+BXS*Spd*0.1:If BX<16 or BX>SW-16 then BXS=Sgn(90-BX)*$Bip 70 B_COL=Oval(BX,BY,16):BY=BY+BYS*Spd*0.1:If BY<16 then BYS=$Bip:Endif 80 If Collide(P_COL,B_COL) then BYS=0-$Bip:BY=SH-50:Endif:Next:Starfield 0,Spd 90 Spd=1+(Score*0.02):If BY>SH+16 then PlaySFX("Beeper_Toot_Lose"):Goto 30 100 Print Score+" ("+Best+")":If Score>Best then Best=Score:Endif:Flip:Goto 40

So don't say I didn't code anything, this week!

"Derek Man. Journey. Jumble. Jangle. Jelly. Juggling." by #DrawThings
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 85

Blog - Thursday.. Go! - AGameAWeek