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OK, Now What? Blog
24th February 2023
Birthday's over, get back to work, Jay!


I didn't do nothing yesterday, but I did do a whole lot of not much!
Highlights of the day include snacks for gifts because what else does a gamedev need to sustain themself over the hours of tappity-tapping? There was cake to be had, some of which continues to be needing to be had, this morning.
A curry was also ordered from a local Chinese, but honestly it wasn't very good, so we won't be ordering from there again.
Still reeling about the loss of our favourite Chinese Takeaway, a few years ago, and have yet to discover a suitable replacement.

Right, back to coding.

A game with an I.I. title. I do have one game in mind, but I feel like I've done far too many Ice based games, of late.
I'll go and ask ChatGPT..

"Iceberg Igloo": This game is set in the Arctic, where the player controls a penguin who must build and defend their igloo from other animals. The game is a puzzle-platformer, where the player must gather resources, build their igloo, and fend off attacks from polar bears and other animals.

That's a nice idea. A kind of platforming game with a little "Frostbite" thrown in.

"Iron Intruders": In this game, the player is a robot who must defend their factory from intruders. The game is a classic shooter, with the player controlling the robot as they blast away at invading robots and drones.

That sounds a bit Robotron.
.. Have I done too many of those, lately?
Fated Future felt a bit like that, if I'm honest.

"Insect Invasion": In this game, the player takes on the role of a bug exterminator who must rid a city of a massive insect invasion. The game is a top-down shooter, with the player moving through the city, spraying insecticide to kill ants, spiders, and other creepy crawlies.

I have an image of 8-bit Ghostbusters in my head!!

"Island Invasion": In this game, the player must defend their island from an invading army. The game is a classic side-scrolling shooter, with the player controlling a character armed with various weapons to take down enemy soldiers, tanks, and helicopters.

This is a nice idea, but it's far too close in concept to Well Defended.

"Indigo Inferno": In this game, the player is a firefighter who must battle through a raging inferno to rescue people and put out the fire. The game is a platformer, with the player jumping over flames, avoiding falling debris, and using a hose to put out the fire.

Ooooooooh..! I do like this idea.
However, the more I thought about the concept, the more I felt it was incredibly disrespectful to the current Earthquake/Building collapses that have happened over in Turkey/Syria. I don't think that's a good idea for a game, right now.

Hmmm.. Right.. Thinking cap time.

"Island Inferno. The floor is lava, and the hero has to leap on the heads of stone golems in order to get across the lava. Airbrush art. action. videogame cover art." by #Draw Things
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