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13th December 2022
Emoji have been somewhat slightly added to JSE.


New Command

Emoji(x, y, EmojiCode)

As much as I'd love to be able to let you randomly plop an Emoji directly into the code box, the way that GotoJSE is set up means that's just not happening.
Instead, then, you're going to have to use Emoji Codes.
You can find a rather large set of these codes over on this site.
Examples of how they'll end up on different systems are given, and on the left are the Emoji Codes.

A lot of the Emoji Codes are 7 character strings, starting with "U+1Fnnn"
Those are currently the only available codes that work in the function.
I'm now trying to narrow down the rest of the codes so that I can include as many as I can without breaking security!!!

In the meantime, the Emoji do "kinda" work.
They can misalign, and they don't 100% scale correctly.
There's no collision, either.
But they do "kinda" work.

.. Probably best to use them as decorative items.

// Ho Ho Ho // by Jayenkai // Created 2022/12/12 // Symbol 0,"0__0_0_0?;"; Graphics 600,300,1 Repeat CLS 80,150,255 ResetDraw SetSize 0.4 Starfield 0,0.5 // Very simple snow effect using a pixel. ResetDraw:SetFontSize 64 For m=0 to ScreenWidth()/48 h=1 if Sin(Mills()*0.3-m*30)>0.3 then h=1.3 SetSize 1,h Emoji m*48,ScreenHeight()-h*36,"1F384" Next ResetDraw:SetFontSize 32 Txt="Merry Christmas!" for m=0 to Len(Txt) y=64-Sin(Mills()*0.4-m*64)*32 if y>64 then y=64 Text (m+2)*32,y,Mid$(Txt,m,1),1 Next ResetDraw:SetFontSize 128 SetRot Sin(Mills()*0.2)*16 Emoji ScreenWidth()*0.5,ScreenHeight()*0.5,"1F385" Flip Forever

// Emoji Lister // by Jayenkai // Created 2022/12/8 // Graphics 800,400,1 top=0 repeat CLS;ResetDraw;SetFontSize 48 dx=48;dy=48-top:seek=="" for n=200 to 4095 if dy>-32 and dy<jscrh+32 Emoji dx,dy,"1F"+Right$(Hex$(n),3) if MouseIn(dx,dy,40,40,1) then seek="1F"+Right$(Hex$(n),3) endif dx=dx+48 if dx>jscrw-16 then dx=48:dy=dy+48 next if seek<>"" Ink(0) Rect(0,0,128,180) Ink(26) SetFontSize(128) Emoji 64,64,seek SetFontSize(20) Text 64,160,seek,1 endif if GamePad(ButtonUp)>0.5 then top=top-16 if GamePad(ButtonDown)>0.5 then top=top+16 if top<0 then top=0 flip forever

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