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2nd December 2022
Over at Foldapuz, the new Foldapuz-Play engine is taking shape.
-=-=- I awoke to find that a couple of people on SoCoder had already played this morning's puzzle, which is quite nice seeing as how the game's not even done yet! You can Play Five Words here. It's mostly working, but I'm not 100% happy yet. A ton of updates have been done over the past couple of days, such that it's now perfectly playable. The look of the groups has been enhanced a fair amount, so it's more "readable", and the cancelling of words is working fine. I'm not happy about the word list, right now, though. It's picking out far too many Proper Nouns, and .. In the world of Scrabble/general word games, those shouldn't be allowed. Which means digging through, finding them all, and getting rid. Ugh... That'll be today's task, and then maybe looking into adding Wordoku into the mix, too. Go, Jay! Go!!! Views 66, Upvotes 18
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