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Testing Results Blog
30th September 2022
Good grief, this isn't going as well as I'd hoped..


Michael Fernie's test scores, yesterday, proved exactly what I suggested earlier. Whilst Firefox is better drawing crisp unantialiased rotated images, Safari is the opposite, preferring them to be antialiased.

The difference couldn't be any more stark
Test 5 : 500: 60
Test 5B : 500: 2

I mean, that pretty much says it all, really!
Annoyingly, in Firefox the exact opposite is happening, and trying to find a good way to check for that without going "Is the browser specifically Firefox" isn't something I'd like to end up doing.. I'd rather not have to go back to the old "Works best in Internet Explorer" days!!

Trey Dahlberg chipped in a couple of days ago with his phone using Firefox, and being half the speed of his PC. Whether that's his phone actually being half the speed of his PC, or because (more likely, given previous results) it's because it's Firefox, I'm not sure.

Today's test (sorry!!) is a more realistic example of SpikeDislike, including such great elements as "Beeeeooooooooooooo", and the combo scores (but not the pitching beeps!)
It's in a playable state, and should hopefully be the engine, going forward.
Unfortunately, over at SoCoder, Spinal's already having drastic issues with the engine..

Speeding up and slowing down
The number in the bottom right is just a blur, it's changing so fast!


Seems like Spinal's phone has the new "Dynamic Refresh Rate" functionality, and .. for reasons I'm unsure of, the phone's pretty much randomly deciding what the framerate should be in a completely erratic manner.

I'm now going to have to see if I can find ways to lock Javascript's "requestAnimationFrame" to a more specific framerate when running on such devices.
Again, this is going to be handy code to put back into Shoebox, Browsercade and JSE, afterwards, so it's good to know that things aren't quite stable, as they currently are!!

Anyhoo, more testing!!

You can Try out Index7 here!

"Fairytale Illustration of a Ball falling towards a massive spike." by DallE
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