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Let's Test Again Blog
29th September 2022
Like we did last summer.
Let's test again.
Testing time is here.


Thankyou to everyone who's been joining in with the testing over the past few days. Very much appreciated.
Everything being done here, will be fed-back to Shoebox, Browsercade and GotoJSE, so your help is much more helpful than you can imagine.

Unfortunately there's a whole set of testing to be done, today!!

Your task, should you choose to take part, is to run ALL of the following test, and let me know (in your opinion) which one runs best on your device(s).

The tests are as follows.
5 - Antialias - This is the one from yesterday, which seems to run well enough on an extremely powerful M1 Air, in Safari, but was inexplicably bad in Firefox.
5B - No Antialias - This one runs truly horrendously in Safari, but (for me at least) better in Firefox.
5C - No Rotation - This one seems OK in Safari, but I expect the lack of rotation will be an issue.
5D - No Frame Limiter - This one uses only delta timing to keep the "feel" as accurate as it can without my dodgy framerate limiting getting in the way
and finally
5E - Reduced Numbers - This one reduces the number of sprites quite a bit, and keeps the Frame Limiter disabled, but adds rotation back in. This one runs slower in Firefox again, because the Antialiasing is switched on.

With all tests, the bouncing objects symbolise the amount of sprites it's doing.. The ball the least, the middle spike more, and the red spike being dangerous levels of sprites!
With the final test, focus on the bouncing ball stats, rather than the other higher two, especially if you're using Firefox!

The main issue I found, after LOTS of testing yesterday, was that Chromium based browsers seem to be better at drawing rotated objects with AntiAliasing ON, and are crap when it's turned OFF. With Firefox, the polar opposite is true, and it's better at drawing rotated objects with AntiAliasing OFF, and then rubbish when it's switched back on again.
This is also true for Skew and other such deformations.

Let me know what does and doesn't work well on your devices, and I'll see if I can find the right kind of middleground to work with, and possibly add some kind of "if it's Firefox, do things differently" optimising code, too.

Thanks again, and sorry for all the testing!

Also, as far as the WebGL engine goes, I think I've abandoned that idea after seeing the battery usage on my iPhone!

"A twirling twisting spiral of javascript code." - by DallE
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Blog - Let's Test Again - AGameAWeek