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Redo From Start Blog
28th September 2022
As nice as the WebGL edition looked, let's try one last thing..


In this test, we're right back at the Shoebox/Browsercade engine.

Canvas, no WebGL.
This means no recolouring, and lighting effects and such are also out of bounds.
The spike-snake is also no longer rotating, because Safari in particular is inexplicably shit at rotating sprites.

Same rules apply to the test.
The bouncing ball is 500 sprites, the white spike 1500 sprites, the red spike 2500 spikes.
Plus there's also the background and floor being drawn, the 3 objects in the foreground, and then the addition of a parallax starfield, and a bunch of particles, on top, too.

Once more, lemmie know how you get on.
It should be a lot smoother, this time around.

You can Test this test here, where it has a nice big readable FPS on the bottom corner!


Fairly Fast Update

I've found the reason for the rotation slowdown in Safari. Apparently if you set AntiAlias off (eg crisp pixels on!) the rotation code is kinda crapping itself.
Turn AntiAliasing on, however, and the rotations are MUCH faster.
Which is kinda the opposite of what I'd have expected, if I'm honest.

Anyhoo, the spike-snake is now rotating again.

You can Test this at the same link, here, where it still has a nice big readable FPS on the bottom corner!
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - Redo From Start - AGameAWeek