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Buggy iOS Blog
28th May 2022
It's not often I find a real quirk in iOS, but it happened last night.


I recently decided to give Xbox GameCloud another go.
Since I recently upgraded the router, and with the passage of a full year since I last tried it out, I figured the results might be a little better.
So I paid my pound to test it out again, and hooked the PS4 DualShock to the iPad, then gave No Man's Sky a go for about an hour.
It ran a lot smoother than the last time I tested it, and the lag was a lot better. Whether this is down to the new router, or a better server on Microsoft's end, or simply the fact that by now there's less people all trying to test it out all at once..
I'm not sure.
But it was better.


Yesterday, after the pressures of going all the way to Salford to chat to a Doctor, I wasn't in much of a coding mood.
Deciding to not stress myself out with any other issues, I figured it was probably time to sit, relax, and play some Xbox Cloud games.

But no..
The iPad had other plans.


In order for Xbox GameCloud to work on an iPad, they've done a slight workaround to avoid the AppStore. You need to head to their website, then "Add To Home Screen" their page. Adding a webpage to the home screen gives the web app a little extra oomph, and things will generally run a little smoother.

Unfortunately, this functionality has an ever so slight bug in it, whereby .. for reasons I haven't yet 100% worked out ... a Home Screen site sometimes it refuses to connect to the controller.

I've seen this happen on Browsercade, too, so I'm fairly sure it's an iOS issue.
The controller still works on the OS... If you tap the Playstation Button, iOS pops up the list of games on your device. Handy!
But any bookmarked webpages simply will not connect to the gamepad, so matter how you try.

In the end, the solution was the tried and true "turn it off and on again", but for the entire iPad.
It's very rare that I have to reboot the iPad, and if it weren't for the frequent system updates, it'd never have a chance to proudly display it's giant white rebooting Apple.
But it seems that, if I want to keep playing, I'm just going to have to keep rebooting the thing.
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