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Doctor Week! Blog
25th May 2022
Time to meet the new Doctor!


Up to Salford I go, for my "annual" checkup. It's been about a year and a half since the last trip, but given the current pandemic-based conditions, that's probably better than I should've expected.

I'm off to see the consultant first, (A different Doctor.. They're regenerated!!) and they'll probably order an MRI, but... goodness knows how long that'll be.

The last MRI that was ordered by the consultant was requested in March 2020, just before the pandemic really hit, and I didn't actually get that scan until February 2021.. (With all the chaos of my shunt dislodging and me winding up back in hospital, in-between!)

That's not for a couple of days, though, but preparations are in place, with transport being sorted out and me getting mentally prepared to travel..

As well as that, today I need to finish off (*start!) this week's ALChoon, and also fill out one of those nasty big disability forms that they like sending me. Gawd, those are depressing. A giant list of everything that you can't do, all compressed into a small booklet of misery. \o/yeay\o/

I've cancelled this week's SoCoder newsletter. With everything else going on, I really don't have the time, nor the mindset, to be writing the thing.



Minor vague slight amounts of progress have been made on RetroRaider on the Amiga.
I can now get this to work..

...which looks something like a chocolate sponge cake..

It's supposed to look more like this..

... but the colours are all somewhat awry.

Not sure why that might be, either. Bit of an oddity, if I'm honest.
I should be able to fix that, though, right? It's just a palette order issue, I think. Those should be easy enough to fix on the Amiga.

I also need to do some emulator tests to be sure it can handle all those bitmaps on a stock 1Mb system. (Maybe even a 512Kb one?!!)

It is at least switchable in realtime, now, which is SO much better than spending even a second redrawing the backgrounds all the time.
Quite how I'm going to do all the sprites, though, is a whole other complication.
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