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Making Spikes Blog
17th April 2022
Spent hours yesterday trying to wrangle the level generator for Flappadiddle on the Amiga.


The issue is mostly a speed one.
Though I can indeed generate a level, it takes ages to do it.
As such, I've been trying to come up with a nice way to do it in the background, but also in such a way that I can then scroll the game over to the next level nice and easily.

I've set up a 2*screenwide bitmap, and am thinking that if I generate the level on the other half of the bitmap, whilst the gameplay is happening on the first half of the bitmap, then that should allow me to scroll things in, once the level's complete.
Then switch to drawing/making a level on the first half, whilst the gameplay's happening on the second half, and roll it all around.

The biggest issue here is trying to get the maths right so that each screen's array of spikes exists in the correct place.
I doubt, very much, that I can scroll the array any better than I'm scrolling the screen, so it'll end up being a case of moving the reference to the point in which the array is relevant.

Oh, and it's currently crashing when I try to quit, so something else is going on. .. grrr!!

A great big mathematical lump of insanity!
I sure hope this works out.
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Blog - Making Spikes - AGameAWeek