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JSE - NeonPlat's Festive Trees Blog
25th December 2021

It's NeonPlat's turn to light up the trees. Luckily the pink fairies are carrying all the stars.

If you want to play this game, you can Play it Here.


View on YouTube


- Move
- Jump
- Throw

What I Didn't Do

In previous Touchscreen versions of NeonPlat, I've added square blocks around the bottom left and right, where the touch inputs can safely be held without interrupting the gameplay.

That only occurred to me, about 3 or 4 hours ago, once I finally tried playing it on the iPad.

Other than that, not much to go wrong, here. It's NeonPlat!
Views 114, Upvotes 17  
Jse , Advent
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Blog - JSE - NeonPlat's Festive Trees - AGameAWeek