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Rest Day Blog
8th December 2021
Today I'm going to be a lazy button.


There's still one significant issue that JSE still has. If you set Scale Mode to 3, the onscreen controls break in a myriad of ways.
There's something wrong with the scaling method between drawing them, and when the code tries to figure out where the fingers are, in relation to them.

I hate doing onscreen controls, for the simple reason that, in order to test them, I need to upload to the server so the iPad/iPhone can access it.
.. Then tweak it, save it, reupload it, refresh it on the iPhing, and try, try, try again.

And that's assuming the iPhing doesn't start randomly caching things, making the entire process that much worse.
That'll be today's "big" task.

Other than that, I'm probably going to shut down for a day or so.
.. And write the newsletter, and do the ALChoon.

... And start this week's SmileBASIC game.

Rest, rest, rest!
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Blog - Rest Day - AGameAWeek