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JSE - Further Brackets Blog
26th June 2021
Done a lot of faffing about, today.
Apologies if you've been working around one of the many bugs. A couple of today's bug fixes were fairly major, and might've broken something you've avoided!!
If it has, please do let me know what and where.


First Bracket

I *think* this bug is no longer an issue. It might be, but it shouldn't.
I added a layer number to all tokens, and if anything drops below a certain threshold, the whole lot gets bumped up and has brackets wrapped around it.
It appears to be working well enough.
As with all these kinds of "underground" tweaks, apologies if something you've coded goes awry. If it has, let me know what and I'll try to repair it.

Print 1+2-3 Print (1+2)-3 Print 1+(2-3)

All now display 0, which is what they should. Previously it would display 0, 3 and 0

Missing Brackets

I *think* I've got bracketless command-returns working properly.
Everything I can think to test it seems to be working ok, but do let me know if your particular code-style is causing issues. If they are, let me know what you're trying to do, and how, and I'll see if I can figure out a way to get it to work with your particular coding style.

// CBA Bracketting // by Jayenkai // Created 2021/6/11 Repeat CLS;ResetDraw() Text 10,10,Mills(1),0 Text 10,30,ScreenWidth+","+ScreenHeight+":"+MouseX+","+MouseY Flip Until MouseHit or KeyHit or GamePadHit

This now works like it should. I think..!


I've "fixed" a lot more instances of negative numbers, via the method of doing the check a second time!
Again, tested what I can, but if you still see anything wrong, be sure to let me know.

// Negativity // by Jayenkai // Created 2021/5/17 CLS SetFontSize 12 Border 30,30,60 for n=-10 to 1 Text 10,(n*12)+140,n,0 flip next for n=-10 to Neg(1) Text 110,(n*12)+140,n,0 flip next for n=-10 to -1 // Very broken! Text 210,(n*12)+140,n,0 if n==-5 then Text 310,(n*12)+140," Yep!",0 if -3==n then Text 310,(n*12)+140," NOooOoOOoooOoooOO!",0 // This one still doesn't work. flip next

This used to be much more broken!!

Print -5
..still doesn't work, and displays 5, not minus 5.

Bah, humbug..
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