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JSE - Squish the Bug Blog
23rd June 2021
Michael's already commented on the game I posted earlier today.


Cool! A new JSE game. It seems to have problems running on my iPhone. You cant move the balls and one time I think it crashed. The balls are also off the screen. Will give it a try on my PC when I start work today. Nice to see a new JSE game!

Bah.. I got so excited about the new game, I didn't bother to test it on a portrait device.

The bug is in this line.

if ScreenHeight<ScreenWidth then z=ScreenHeight*0.65
.. and as per usual, it comes down to me leaving out those Brackets.

If we change it to..
if ScreenHeight()<ScreenWidth then z=ScreenHeight*0.65
then it works like it should.
It's one very tiny little change, but it's enough to fix it up.
Without that bracket, the parser assumes that the <ScreenWidth is the parameter for ScreenHeight..!
It's reading it as..
If ScreenHeight (<ScreenWidth) then z=ScreenHeight*0.65

Which is wrong.. Obviously!

By adding that one bracket into the mix, we stop this from happening.
Of course, I should really add that bracket to the whole entire program, and do it all properly, which is what I've done.. The updated v1.1 is now available from wherever you got it earlier. (Linkage)

Apologies for not having tested it properly.
*slaps wrist*


As much as that is a "I left a bracket out" issue, it's also a "That should've worked, though.." one.
I need to delve deep into why it broke.
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Jse , Bugs
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