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JSE - ... Aargh, Menus! Blog
23rd June 2021
Started work on expanding the GameHandler, yesterday, but .. Usual issues..


The current aim is to create a Page/Levels based interface, like how Shoebox does it.
Instead of a bog standard list of numbers, have a set of pages, each with a grid of numbered tiles, each one representing a level.
I know it's not "the bestest, most magical" menu system, but.. This is me, and that's as good as you're getting

I have to take all manner of different things into account, though, and allow for expandability from the coder's side.
Draw basic rects for the main grid, but allow the coder to select Symbols to draw instead.
I need to record whether levels have been attempted, whether they're initially locked, when they've been beaten.
I also need to record high scores, incase the developer wants that functionality, too.

There's, frankly, a ton of stuff to consider, and that's before I try to fit everything onto the screen at a multitude of different sizes!

.. And how will this end up looking as a command, too?

Suffice to say, although I made a vague start on this, yesterday, all of the above jumped into my head and I didn't get very far at all.
I'll be giving it another whirl, today.
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