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Thoughts... Blog
21st June 2021
1. I wonder how good I could get something like Quadoban working in JSE?


The ingame engine would work well enough. A tilemap underneath, and the boxes and chr being overlaid in a short loop.
But generating it would more than likely be far too slow.
JSE's not exactly fast at doing loops, especially if it's loops within loops within loops!
If I split up the generation over a few frames, though, and maybe add a progress bar, then it could be doable.
.. I think.

2. Level Select
To accompany the Quadoban game, I'd need a nice big level-select based menu system. I'll probably go for something like my standard 5x5 grid, but I should probably allow for other options, for different types of games.
Maybe a straight forward number on the screen with up and down buttons!?!
An alternative GameHandler command, or maybe just an additional parameter, and .. Bingo, you're making a game with a level select!

3. Multiplayer
I should probably also add some sort of Multiplayer menu system, too.
Let players push their controller button to join in the game, and then see where it goes from there.
I imagine this one would be a lot more complicated than just a simple Level Select!!

4. Multiplayer on Switch
If I'm going to expand my options on the SmileBASIC front, I'm likely going to need a "proper" Multiplayer interface, with options to add additional controllers and whatnot.
A nice Bomberman clone would be great for testing something like that.

and then..
5. Additional Sounds
I definitely need to bulk up that sound effect library.
All the work I did a couple of days ago, converting everything to 22050/8bit/mono was completely smelling useless once I realised that 8bit was the OLD Browsercade format, but the newer format was in 16bit. Which idiot changed that!? Grrr..
Wasted the day, scrapped a lot of stuff, start again.
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