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7th May 2021
JSE's offline in-dev edition is currently experiencing extreme downtime!!


I've now (I think!) got BODMAS behaving itself.
Unfortunately, it's broken the language to the point that even the good old original "Spaceman" test is no longer working!!

The issue is approximately as follows.

Text 100+200,30*4,"Hello",1
It does some fairly complicated bracket-wrapping around everything.
Text (100+200),(30*4),"Hello",1

That first bracket is now being assumed to be "The brackets for Text()" and it's all breaking as a result.
It's assuming Text(100+200) and then wondering what all of this extra , (30*4),"Hello",1 stuff is all about.

Now, if I'd written ...
It would be fine.
Text((100+200),(30*4),"Hello",1) still makes sense to the parser.
So, I think what I need to do now, is figure out what's a keyword, figure out what the parameters are, then wrap all the parameters in brackets, without ending up adding too many brackets that it causes the whole thing to break in the opposite direction.

Good grief, this isn't easy!!

But, hey, at least the BODMAS is* working!

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