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JSE - Sounding Board Blog
5th May 2021
Had a little quirk with this, yesterday.


When it tries to create a JMTrackr melody, there was an instance where the Mod file hadn't yet loaded, so it got all messed up and the javascript halted as a result.

In Browsercade, the Mod file is pre-loaded, and saved to the browser's cache. I wasn't planning on doing that here, so instead I've added a basic delay.
I'm hoping that'll be enough to stop this from happening again, but it's one of those "won't know until it happens again" issues that are annoyingly hard to test.

But, yeah, JMTrackr is now part of the JSE engine, and if you can work your way around the editor and copy the text from the box in the bottom left, you can paste that into JSE inside the JMTrackr command, and bob's your uncle.

Next step will be actually bothering to finish off the JMTrackr editor properly, like I was supposed to do AGES ago!!

// Melody Test Graphics 512,512,0 mdis=1 MelodyString="<C16>G32A32A+16A32G32F16F32A32<C16>A+32A32G16r32A32A+16<C16>A16F16F16r16|F16<C16>C16<C16>F16<C16>C16r16F16<C16>C16<C16>F16C16D16E16|A32r8r32A32r8r32A32r16r32F32r8r32F32r8r32F32r16r32|[d]|C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C16r32C32|C8D8C8D8C8D8C8D16r32D32|C16G+16D16G+16C16C16D16G+16C16G+16D16G+16C32D32C16D32G+32D32D32|r16G+32G+16r32G+8G+8G+8G+32G+16r32G+8G+16r32G+16r32|" Repeat CLS 40,70,100 SetFontSize 42 Text ScreenWidth()/2,ScreenHeight()/2,"Click for New Music",1 If MouseDown<1 then mdis=0 If ((MouseDown>0) and (mdis==0)) then JMTrackr((jRand(1,4)*5)+90,0,MelodyString);mdis=1 Flip Forever


I've also added a simple PlaySFX sound player, as well as a library of sounds.
Click the "sounds" button on the GUI to get to a list of sounds that can all be played using the PlaySFX command, alongside pitch, volume and panning.
"Does the job", but I definitely need to add a bunch more sounds into the library.
There's currently most of the default Browsercade sounds, alongside a whole bunch of "beeper" sounds that I generated yesterday using KORG Gadget.
Categories would be nice, and folders and such.. Neaten it up, then expand it into crazytown!

If there's any particular category of sounds you think would be useful, be sure to let me know.

Meanwhile, Meanwhile...

I could definitely do with making that GUI a little bit neater, and stop using those temporary CSS buttons.
More Icons, Jay! More Icons!!!

.. And maybe a menu or two. (Arrrgh!!)
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