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24th November 2020
Rocket suggests..

I have an idea, you could use electron to make apps for browsercade. I tried it once too.


Electron is a wrapper that takes a html/javascript game, and transforms it into "An App for That".
I previously gave it a go in July last year, and was alarmed by the size of the app it generated, bumping Browsercade up from 1.03Mb (at the time) to 64.2Mb.
This is because the app essentially has to be a browser, a file server, and more, just to handle all of the stuff that it needs to.

I've been wanting to try out other methods, but right now I'm mostly Mac-less.

My MacMini is sitting on my "desk" (a shelf!) and is actually BootCamp'd into Windows, where it sits as an occasionally used way to access Windows from my iPad. (Super handy, by the way!)
It's not actually been booted into MacOS properly since, probably about a year ago, and whenever I DO "a quick test" it results in me having to wait about 3 or 4 hours while it does all of its updates and such.

So, to trial run App-able editions of things, I need the following.
1. A Mac that I daily-drive, so that it never ends up needing 12 months worth of updates!
2. A Mac that I daily-drive, so that I can actually test these kinds of things.
3. A Mac that I daily-drive, so that I can get used to actually running things on a Mac.

For the past week or so, I've been eyeing the new Macbook Air M1-edition.


Got a lovely email from SmileBoom (Creators of SmileBASIC) yesterday, sending lovely thoughts, and wishing me well on my recovery.

That was a great thing to find in my email, and it makes me happy to know that SmileBoom are a company that care about its customers.

Many thanks to them for the email.
Definitely appreciated.
*distant ASCII hugs*
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