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Y3:W7 ??? Box's Romp Blog
30th November 2010

Or, to put it another way, this game got to about 70% done, I got really stupidly bored with it, I lost interest, and I still bothered to get it to about 92%. At 92%, I gave up.

Here's a game at 92%.

View on YouTube

At 92%, the "Nice" features are missing.
Things that are missing....
Box can't wear his powerups, and can only use them on the weapons.
The titlescreen says Simple Test Engine 'cos I couldn't be bothered to make a logo.
The menus are the most boring shade of green imaginable.
There's only a "Here's a random adventure" mode, without any preset modes or anything like that.
The quest ends when you find the crypt, or you die. There's no nice ending.

Things that are here.
HP (without any way to increase 'em!)
XP (with a nice couple of ways to increase 'em)
Treasure Chests
Weapon Building
Other furniture that does nothing
and a Box!

You can Download Box's Romp here for Windows, Linux and MacOSX (Intel).
It's entirely playable, if not all that interesting!


AGAW Scoring : This game's made things go down
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