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Browsercade - Really Retro Racing Blog
9th November 2020
v0.36 - Added the game Really Retro Racing[/highlight]

Drive to the head of the pack, and see if you can stay there, in a series of randomly generated tracks.

You can Play Really Retro Racing in your browser, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.


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What I Didn't Do

Car balancing might've been nice. It's a bit easy to get well ahead of the pack, sometimes. But by the time this game got to the point it was at, I had some fairly significant life-events!!
It's a miracle my mind was in a good enough condition to finish this off as rapidly as I have!!
Views 304, Upvotes 26  
Browsercade , Release , Racing
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Blog - Browsercade - Really Retro Racing - AGameAWeek