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Thursday... Blog
2nd April 2020
ALChoon's posted, Socoder newsletter is mostly finished, and all the fruit and eggs are waiting to be harvested.
A busy morning, methinks.


I didn't really get a start on the Browsercade game, yesterday.
I spent a few hours working on a retheme for the site, and ultimately threw it all away again.
I've done that about 4 or 5 times in the past few months.

My head is in this weird mindset where it keeps thinking there's a Better way try to organise all the crazy things I have going on, but every time I try to do it, the result ends up as a giant hodgepodge of a mess.
So many buttons and menus and aargh!!

Shoebox, Browsercade, Foldapuz, and (when I remember to update it!) the SpikeDislike site are all big important parts of AGameAWeek, now, so they should be treated to having big stumpy buttons somewhere on the site.
But if I add those (I'm thinking top-right, next to the logo) it just looks nasty and cluttered.

I think the top-bar, with the "Last 6 releases" is probably good enough for now, but ... That nagging feeling.

Aw well, never mind. At least all my attempts haven't broken the site yet!
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Blog - Thursday... - AGameAWeek