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No Dislike.. Blog
21st February 2020
There's no new SpikeDislike theme, this week. It's far too late in the day to start work on something for that!

Typically I'd've done that yesterday afternoon, but BlastTrax on Switch proved incredibly hard to finish off in time, with me finally getting it uploaded about half ten last night.


I usually post the Switch games earlier in the day, giving me the afternoon to do other projects, but a single stupid bug in the game was driving me crazy!

Enemy ships were seemingly shooting from their backside.
I checked and double-checked my angles, and it seemed fine. When I tried reversing the angles, it made no difference at all.
After tweak after tweak was made, I finally realised the error.

The "red thing coming from the back of the enemy" wasn't a red bullet. It was "blood"!
The bullets were being fired correctly, and were indeed coming from in front of the baddie, but I'd forgotten to flag the bullets as "From the enemy", so they were colliding with the enemy instantly, causing damage to the enemy, and spitting out blood from the opposite side where the bullet was (eg, the back of the enemy)

Such a schoolboy error!
I hastily fixed it, threw in a couple more enemy types, and managed to get the whole game done for the late-night post.

Right then.. That's that done..
Now for a Shoebox game, perhaps!?
I've not a lot of time left 'til Monday, though.
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