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What a Disaster... Blog
22nd December 2019
Yesterday was "Just one of those days.."


First off, I spent ages coding a Windows (BlitzMax) proggy to take bytes of data, and flash them up on the screen.
Moving over to Petit Switch, I fired up the IRCamera, wrote a little bit of code to "read" the data from a grid, and then held up the camera to the screen.


*shakes head in shame*
Reminder : IRCameras can't detect images on screens..

So, that was a complete smegging waste of time!

Second thing of the day, Roland's Biscuits on Switch.
It went much better than the disastrous transfer thing!
Roland can now run around an push the biscuits, but currently has no win/lose scenario built into the game, so that'll be today's task.
More coding that that was intended to be done, but .. My Switch randomly flashed up a "Battery Low" message and switched off, twice in about 10 minutes.. Except the battery was at about 80%.
I'm REALLY hoping my Switch isn't broken..
It's been a while since I charged it "properly", and have instead been leaving it trickle-charging from the Mac, via USB.
I'm hoping that's the problem, so left it charging properly overnight, and will be trying it again, later.

Third thing of the day, iOS Messages Stickers
After about 2 hours of organising MacOS Updates, *sigh* I was finally able to experiment with "Messages Stickers", and everything I tried failed horribly.
The most impressive disaster was that the iOS Simulator wouldn't even load up the Messages app without crashing, and I'm 99.9% sure that wasn't my doing!!!


Fourth thing of the day, "Just draw a picture"
Having completely lost faith in all my technology for the day, I opted to just relax and draw a little "Merry Xmas" jumper-art thing in PaintShop Pro.
About half an hour was spent doing a "proper" looking jumper thing, with a lovely pattern, plenty of snowflakes, some lovely text, and the program crashed..

"Don't panic, Jay! You saved.. I remember you saving.. How long ago did you save?"



It's like everything I tried to do yesterday was destined to fail horrifically.
I gave up, shut down the laptop, and headed to bed.

One of those days..
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