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Advent Begins.. Blog
1st December 2019
Last night I thought "What game can I whip up in a few hours", and out popped Vexed.

That's today's Advent Treat, but don't be expecting a brand new game every day!!

It's in the Shoebox, now, and I'll post it in a jiffy.


So, what other treats might there be, over advent?
I'd like to do a few Xmassy ALChoons, I think.

Also, when Twitter announced they might (or might not, it seems) be deleting unused accounts, the other day, I figured I'd better start making use of my @Greenie186 account, lest they think it's been abandoned.
I'd LOVE to start posting something fun and original with Greenie involved, but ... What?!
I'm not sure..

Perhaps, over the course of Advent, I might finally settle on something for him to do.

One other thing I could probably do with doing over the next few weeks, is reorganising a few chunks of this site.
If you try viewing the site on a mobile, in portrait view, you'll notice that the little bubbly buttons at the top seem to over-extend the width of the menu bar, ever since I added the Petit Switch button.

Along with a lack of "Donate" button, and a number of other little things, I really do think I could do with fixing things up a bit.

.. True, it won't be "Advent of Creativity" material, but it's something that I usually don't have any time to fiddle about with.
If you've any suggestions for a better layout, feel free to let me know about them, because Design is (quite obviously) my downfall!

... And then there's Super Secret Side Project.. Will that EVER be done?
I'm stuck at the "Can't be bothered doing GUIs" point of the project, and it's not really shifted since then!

So, a nice relaxing month ahead, with no worries, no stressing about weekly deadlines, and not a care in the world.
Just brand new creative content that needs doing every single day.

Oh joy!
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