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Something Else Instead Blog
7th May 2016


The game with the town engine has been scrapped.


I could *probably* have come up with a few more things for it, but given the week-long timescale, and all of the things I hadn't yet done, I decided to give it a miss.
Character movement, creatures appearing, fighting menus, skills, powers, potions, health...
None of that was in the engine, and I only have the weekend left to go.


Yeah, it probably wasn't ever something I could currently achieve within a week. Maybe in a few years, with a bit more practice at super-speedy coding, but not yet!

Still, I got a half-assed town up and running, and that's not bad for a couple of days work.

The replacement game was started yesterday, and is currently coming along reasonably well.
Hopefully I can get it all done before Tuesday. Eeek!

Daily Doodle : Baking a Cake

Platdude is trying out his new mixer.
He's got all his ingredients ready, but isn't sure they're all going to fit inside the mixing bowl.


There was a man who had a face.
His face, it had a nose.
Upon his nose his glasses sat,
So he could see his clothes.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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