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Damn Bugs Blog
27th January 2016


Space Station A6-100 is having a hard time, out in the real world..


Most of the issues are down to the fact that the mouse won't drag properly (eg hold fire and move) when running on a number of versions of Chrome.
This is a total pain in the arse, and makes my game look like shit. Which isn't good.

Bah, humbug..
*shrugs* It's completely out of my hands. I'll continue to explain it to folk over on GameJolt, but I don't think it'll help.

Meanwhile, I'm struggling to decide whether or not to include the Win.exe version over at GameJolt.
The GameJolt crowd seem to want such a thing, but then.. *stamps feet* *throws toys* Nobody would ever bother to visit!!!


Daily Doodle : Hold On!

It's a rough night, out there.
Platdude shouldn't have bothered!

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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