New games every week!
JSE - Pop The Lock Blog
10th June 2021
Michael Fernie has submitted our first None-Jay game!!


// Pop The Lock v1.0 // by Michael Fernie // Created 6/10/2021 Symbol 0,"2__0_002_20_0_0,2_2,0_0_0220_0220_0@220_0,220_0/220_0,220_0/220_0,220_0/220_0,220_0/220_0,220_0/220_0,220_0/2_2/0_0!220_0?220_0.220_0/220_00220_0_220_220_0_00220/220_0220_0220?220_02.0_0220.220@2@0@220,2,0@20!20@2,002,0/220!220/2,002,0!2,0022002,0!2,002,0!2,0022002,0!2,002,0/220!220/2,0,220@20!20@220.220@2@0@220?220_2.0_220/220_220_220_220_0_220_00220_0/220_0.220_0?220_0!220_0,220_0@2_2?0_0_02_2,"; MelodyString="G16E32F32G16E16G32G32G32A32G16E32F32G16E32F32G16E16D32D32D32E32D16C16|G8G8F8F8E8E8F8E16F16|C8r16C16E16r16G16r16A16A+16A16F16G8r8|r1|[d]|C16G+16D16G+16C16G+16D16D16C16G+16D16G+16G+16C16D16C32D32|C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16G+16C16C16|r8A4A4A4A8|r1|" Graphics 1024, 720 ,2 AA Off #CONST $GAMESTATE_TITLE=0 #CONST $GAMESTATE_MAIN_GAME=1 #CONST $GAMESTATE_GAME_OVER=2 #CONST $GAMESTATE_LEVEL_COMPLETE=3 #CONST $SWEEP_SPEED_START=2.75 #CONST $SWEEP_SPEED_INC=0.085 Gosub ResetGame //***** Main Loop ***** Repeat if GameState==$GAMESTATE_TITLE then Gosub TitleScreen if GameState==$GAMESTATE_MAIN_GAME then Gosub MainGame if GameState==$GAMESTATE_LEVEL_COMPLETE then Gosub LevelComplete if GameState==$GAMESTATE_GAME_OVER then Gosub GameOverScreen Flip Forever //***** Title Screen ***** @TitleScreen CLS ResetDraw SetColor Rand(0,255), Rand(0,255), Rand(0,255) SetFontSize 28 Text ScreenWidth*0.5,ScreenHeight*0.2,"*** Pop The Lock ***",1 SetColor 255, 255, 255 Text ScreenWidth*0.5, (ScreenHeight*0.4)+68, "High Score: " + HighScore + " Level High: " + LevelHigh, 1 SetFontSize 8 Text ScreenWidth-200, ScreenHeight-25, "Michael Fernie 6/10/21", 0 Text ScreenWidth-200, ScreenHeight-15, "JSE by Jayenkai", 0 if MouseHit() or KeyHit() or GamepadHit() Gosub ResetGame GameState=$GAMESTATE_MAIN_GAME endif SetSize 0.70 Starfield 2, 0, 0, 1 Return //***** Reset Level ***** @ResetLevel SeedRnd JMTrackr((Rand(1, 4)*5)+90, 0, MelodyString) LockX=ScreenWidth()*0.5 LockY=ScreenHeight()-185 ClaspX=LockX-74 ClaspY=(LockY-LockH)+14 SweepAngle=0 TargetAngle=Rand(45, 105) WipeAngle=0 SweepSpeed = $SWEEP_SPEED_START Return //***** Reset Game ***** @ResetGame GameState=$GAMESTATE_TITLE LockW=300 LockH=300 Level=1 LevelHigh=1 Score=0 HighScore=0 TargetsToGo=1 Gosub ResetLevel if FileExists==1 LoadFile HighScore=ReadFile(1) LevelHigh=ReadFile(2) endif Return //***** Main Game ***** @MainGame CLS ResetDraw Gosub DrawLock if MouseHit() or KeyHit() or GamepadHit() dist=Distance(SweepX, SweepY, TargetX, TargetY) if dist>18 GameState=$GAMESTATE_GAME_OVER Return else SetSize 2 for p=0 to 5 ThrowParticle TargetX+Rnd(-30,30), TargetY+Rnd(-30,30), 7, Rnd(-15,15), .35, 0, Rand(0,9), 0 next SetSize 1 Score=Score+(1*Level) TargetsToGo=TargetsToGo-1 if TargetsToGo==0 GameState=$GAMESTATE_LEVEL_COMPLETE Level=Level+1 TargetsToGo=Level PlaySFX("Beeper_Rise", 1, 0.25) Return endif PlaySFX("Beeper_Fruit_Bonus", 1, 0.25) AngleOffset=Rand(35, 105) SweepSpeed=-SweepSpeed if (SweepSpeed<0) TargetAngle=TargetAngle-AngleOffset SweepSpeed=SweepSpeed-$SWEEP_SPEED_INC else TargetAngle=TargetAngle+AngleOffset SweepSpeed=SweepSpeed+$SWEEP_SPEED_INC endif endif Return endif Gosub UpdateSpinner SetColor 0, 250, 124 SetFontSize 20 Text ScreenWidth*0.5, 30, "Score: " + Score + " Level: " + Level, 1 SetColor 0, 255, 0 SetFontSize 25 Text ScreenWidth*0.5, LockY-220, TargetsToGo, 1 SweepAngle=SweepAngle+SweepSpeed t1=(SweepSpeed < 0 and SweepAngle < (TargetAngle-10)) t2=(SweepSpeed > 0 and SweepAngle > (TargetAngle+10)) if t1 or t2 GameState=$GAMESTATE_GAME_OVER endif Return //***** Draw Lock ***** @DrawLock SetColor 255, 128, 0 SetThick 24 drawRect ClaspX, ClaspY, LockW*0.5, LockH*0.5, 0 SetColor 0, 0, 0 Rect ClaspX-20, ClaspY+137, 190, 40, 0 SetColor 255, 128, 0 SetThick 50 DrawOval LockX, LockY, LockW, LockH, 30 SetThick 20 DrawOval LockX, LockY, LockW*0.333, LockH*0.333, 12 SetFontSize 10 SetThick 2 SetColor 0, 0, 200 f=0 for d=0 to 35 step 5 dx=(Sin(f)*92)+LockX dy=(0-(Cos(f)*92))+2+LockY Text(dx, dy, d, 1) f=f+45 next SetThick 1 SetColor 255, 255, 255 for a=0 to 360 step 9 ss=Sin(a) cc=Cos(a) dx=(ss*105)+LockX dy=(0-(cc*105))+LockY Line dx+(ss*8), dy-(cc*8), dx+ss, dy-cc next Return //***** Update Spinner ***** @UpdateSpinner lineLen=150 targLen=172 TargetX=LockX+(Sin(TargetAngle)*lineLen) TargetY=LockY-(Cos(TargetAngle)*lineLen) ss=Sin(SweepAngle) cc=Cos(SweepAngle) SweepX=LockX+(ss*lineLen) SweepY=LockY-(cc*lineLen) SetColor 255, 0, 0 SetThick 8 SetSize 1.5 Oval TargetX, TargetY, 20, 20, 15 SetSize 1 SetColor 0, 255, 0 SetThick 8 Line LockX+(ss*targLen), LockY-(cc*targLen), LockX+ss, LockY-cc SetColor 0 ,0, 255 SetThick 8 DrawOval SweepX, SweepY, 2, 2, 15 Return //***** Level Complete ****** @LevelComplete CLS ResetDraw Gosub DrawLock dy=Abs(ClaspY-LockY) if dy<=320 ClaspY=ClaspY-10 if dy==306 KillParticles PlaySFX("Metal_3", 1, 1.0) endif else ClaspX=ClaspX-45 LockX=LockX-45 if LockX<-255 Wait .25 Gosub ResetLevel GameState=$GAMESTATE_MAIN_GAME endif endif Return //***** Game Over Screen ***** @GameOverScreen if WipeAngle == 0 PlaySFX("Explode_High_4", 0.5) KillParticles if Score>HighScore then HighScore=Score if Level>LevelHigh then LevelHigh=Level WriteFile 1, HighScore WriteFile 2, LevelHigh SaveFile endif if WipeAngle <> 181 SetThick 6 WipeAngle=0 l=320 w=0 SetColor 0, 0, 0 repeat ss=Sin(WipeAngle) cc=Cos(WipeAngle) ss2=Sin(WipeAngle+180) cc2=Cos(WipeAngle+180) dx=ss+LockX dy=(0-cc)+LockY Line dx+(ss*l), dy-(cc*l), dx+ss, dy-cc w=w+1 if (w>1) WipeAngle=WipeAngle+1 w=0 endif dx2=ss2+LockX dy2=(0-cc2)+LockY Line dx2+(ss2*l), dy2-(cc2*l), dx2+(ss2), dy2-(cc2) if WipeAngle mod 10==0 then Flip until WipeAngle>180 Wait .25 else CLS ResetDraw SetFontSize 20 SetColor 255, 255, 255 Text ScreenWidth*0.5, (ScreenHeight*0.4)+68, "Score: " + Score + " High Score: " + HighScore + " Level: " + Level + " Level High: " + LevelHigh, 1 SetColor Rand(0,255), Rand(0,255), Rand(0,255) Text ScreenWidth*0.5, (ScreenHeight*0.2)+92, "<<< Game Over! >>>", 1 if MouseHit() or KeyHit() or GamepadHit() Gosub ResetGame GameState=$GAMESTATE_TITLE_SCREEN endif endif SetSize 0.70 Starfield 2, 0, 0, 1 Return


Crazy to think that, in roughly 4 months, the "crazy idea that'll never work out" has actually mostly worked out!
Michael Fernie has submitted his first game for the JSE scripting engine, today, and you can play it from the Goto JSE link above, or can also find it within the black Play disk in the project menu.

The game requires significantly fast reflexes as you try to click the lock at just the right time.
How far can YOU get?!

I'd like to thank Michael for his submission, and for struggling to keep track of all the multitude of bugs in the engine.
Please enjoy Michael's game, and as always, let him know what you thought of it, in the comments below.
Views 81, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog , Jse , Game
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Site credits : This was all done by Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed

Blog - JSE - Pop The Lock - AGameAWeek