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25th January 2018
It began, last night, at about 2am.

Views 28, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
Vocalised Blog
24th January 2018
"Analysing Glasses", the 7th track from this year's first ALChoon AL Bum, is also my first proper go at using Vocaloid.
I've still a lot to learn, and definitely need to figure out a better way to add my own "words" into the dictionary, but it's a decent enough start, and is suitably silly in that oh-so-special AL-Style!
Also available on SoundCloud
Views 19, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
24th January 2018
For a long time, I've been "putting up" with a bizarre issue with my laptop's soundcard.
No matter the drivers I use, or settings I tweak, the soundcard seems to keep falling asleep.
If you try to play a sound (via ANY media program/app/windows dialogue/etc) it'll "reboot" leaving a 1.5 second gap before it starts any audio.
Give it a 3 or 4 second delay of no-audio, and the soundcard seems to fall asleep again.

Views 83, Upvotes 8  
Driver Fix
24th January 2018
I spent most of last night fiddling around with my new toy, Vocaloid.

Views 35, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
23rd January 2018
The framework's looking quite stable, but there's no guarantees that it is!
As such, I'm currently thinking of making February a full month of Flappadiddle 2.

Each weekly release will be a slightly more fixed up edition of the game, and hopefully over the course of February, I can build the game up to a decent enough standard, and drag the Framework along with it.
Views 184, Upvotes 26  
Gamedev , Flappadiddle2
23rd January 2018
A familiar set of spikes to dislike, and a nice variable path to follow.
Next will be adding in other objects to play with!
Views 79, Upvotes 12  
Gamedev , Flappadiddle2
23rd January 2018
People might look at the fact that I spent all day, yesterday, working on an "unrelated" Icon Resizer project, but the new framework needed a new version of the tool.

Views 46, Upvotes 9  
Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
22nd January 2018
v1.0 of my new version of the Icon Resizer.
Completely rewritten over the space of today.
You can Download Icon Resizer 2 v1.0 here
Icon Resizer 2 takes a selection of icons, at whatever sizes you CAN be bothered to make, and outputs a whole array of (mostly iOS) different sized icons that you can use in your games.
With the addition of some Screenshots and your game's logo, the tool will also generate all manner of screenshot sizes, as well as generating a bunch of Banners and H...
Views 100, Upvotes 13  
Dev Tools
22nd January 2018
With my new Data-Start and Data-End elements in place, reading data from the server is infinitely easier.

Views 29, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
21st January 2018
Since I'm having to deal with html-responses in a raw fashion, I'm seeing a few quirks in the way that the different servers send their replies.

Views 39, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
20th January 2018
I spent most of the night, switched off from coding, and instead watched a lot of YouTube stuff.
Lots of complaining about YouTube's stupid new Ad-Revenue rules, meaning hundreds and thousands of vloggers are being hit hard.
In addition, @Geekanoids is having a terrible time after a burst pipe caused oodles of damage to his Studio.
In many ways, YouTube isn't the greatness it used to be, but annoyingly they've pretty much destroyed any and all competition, so people are stuck w...
Views 63, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
19th January 2018
click for uninteresting, bigger, more readable image

Views 47, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
19th January 2018
The scoreboard admin page has been "broken" for a long while.

Views 199, Upvotes 35  
Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
19th January 2018
The new server has a great virus-scanning feature, which blocks any downloads should the file contain any kind of possible dodgyness.

Views 33, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
18th January 2018
You'd be amazed how many errors have cropped up in the AGameAWeek script!
The previous server was setup to display major errors onscreen, rather than logging them, but the new server logs EVERYTHING!!!

Views 47, Upvotes 4  
Daily Blog
17th January 2018
Our new server overlords have been chosen.
AGameAWeek and Socoder now exist on a Kloudhost server.

Views 66, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
16th January 2018
If you're a frequent visitor, you've probably noticed the occasional MySQL "Too many connections" error cropping up on the site.

Views 51, Upvotes 5  
Daily Blog
15th January 2018
Having spent a couple of hours playing Flappadiddle, last night, I wondered what a new version of Flappadiddle might turn out like.
I should probably work on getting the framework up and running before doing that, though..
Views 95, Upvotes 14  
15th January 2018
I spent most of yesterday, once again, trying to get Android to work.

Views 53, Upvotes 3  
Daily Blog
14th January 2018
Yesterday was spent, as expected, doing the Little Lever site.

Views 63, Upvotes 6  
Daily Blog
13th January 2018
For the past couple of years, I've hosted the forum for LittleLever.info on my old SoCoder server at GoDaddy. When I recently moved SoCoder to the new Zen Internet server, I neglected to move the LittleLever site across.

Views 52, Upvotes 2  
Daily Blog
Tilemap Blog
12th January 2018
I started work on Draw-To-Buffer today, and managed to get a couple of basic functions into place.
Create buffer of X/Y size, Clear buffer, Fill buffer with X Colour, Draw a line to the buffer, and then the most important one.

Views 25, Upvotes 7  
Daily Blog
12th January 2018
The framework isn't done.
Stop playing around with possible games, and get the framework finished, first.

Views 47, Upvotes 16  
Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
11th January 2018
Still plenty of Framework things to finish off, and yet my mind's whizzing ahead to the next task.
Hang on, Jay.. Get it all done properly!!

Views 62, Upvotes 24  
Jnkplat 2018
11th January 2018
The big file transfer continues, and last night it managed to copy my massive Mod Archive across. Over 180,000 files overnight! Wowie!!

Views 61, Upvotes 16  
Daily Blog , 2018 Framework
Hmm.. Blog
10th January 2018
The MacMini's still doing the "All my music over to the new NAS" file copy, so I can't currently do anything iOS related.
Instead, then, I'm wondering what style I might go in for a new JNKPlat.
Do I do "fluffy" like 2010 was, or super retro like 2008?
Or do I try to come up with something new?
Views 46, Upvotes 9  
2018 Framework
10th January 2018
Yesterday was spent mostly watching a lot of progress bars.
Not a lot I can do when both the MacMini and Laptop are sitting there copying insane amounts of data over to the new NAS drive.

Views 55, Upvotes 10  
Daily Blog
6074 results 0 1 2 3 ... 125 (126) 127 ... 222 223 224 Prev Next
Site credits : If you can see it, Jayenkai did it.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed

AGameAWeek - Games by Jayenkai